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Pugs, Make My World Go Round

8 Nov

I love pugs.




I love little ones, big ones, stinky ones and all those in between.  Nothing in the world makes this girl happier than a lil sneezing, wheezing  whining, shedding, smelly pug.  I have had many animals in my lifetime guinea pigs, small dogs, big dogs, rats, hamsters, fish etc yet to this day nothing melts my heart like a waddling pug.

In other words:


 While not the most poetic, this quote hits the nail right on the head.  It has been exactly 13 months since I lost my beloved stinky Peggy and frankly my heart aches for a Peggy junior.  Plus Coconut need a playmate, our elderly Emma just doesn’t cut it.

Then my wonderful brand new husband graced me with the best new a pug lover could ever hear:


Yes baby, we can get a pug.

He also went on to say, “When we buy a house with a yard.”

I didn’t need to hear the last part, because I heard the first part and that was all I needed to make 2013 sound like the best year a girl could ask for. **Swoon** Now I cherish my pug jewelry, t-shirts, artwork even more because! soon soon my little chipmunks, I will be the proud owner/Mama of the most precious creature on this earth!!  OH BE STILL MY HEART!!!

Now its time to think of names…… I have a few ideas but I am open to new ones… Extra points for names that are food or  Spanish or BOTH!

Examples:  Salchicha, Cebolla etc.


 Three dogs is a lot, but not when one dog is part goddess.

(and I am not referring to Coconaughtty)

(stay tuned for the latest Coconut Adventures) 

Fam-Damn-ily FUN!!!!

1 Feb

It’s the middle of the dark season – ie: winter and naturally that makes one think of all fun and carefree times summer brings.

Today! I give you a montage of my Cray-Cray family, a-la summer 2011!


We went to the pool to 'babysit' my brothers






Teaching da Mama how to use a camera - for the 100th time, tipsy


Letting Peggy swim free in the Great Lakes




After her CHAMPION swim a snack of dead fish


Fun in the sun


Pretty sunset picture




Peek-a-Boo Where is ChaChalita?!?!


The Pirate's First Brewers Baseball Game


Da Mama and her Peanut


Passed out (sleeping) at The Pirate's 1st Brewers Game (behind home base...)

My Sweet Peggy Lou

27 Jan

Once upon a time, I had a pug.  Her name was Peggy Lou and she was the apple of my eye.


Peggy and her corn

After being showed a couple of times and only receiving 3rd place, she was sold by her breeder when she was a ripe one year old.  Peggy was a failed show dog.  (but not in our eyes!!)   We got Peggy when I was a freshman in high school and from that day forward Peggy was and I were inseparable.  If I did my homework she was on my lap.  If I was eating dinner she was right there with me.  If someone came over whom I detested (mostly my sister’s orchestra friends) she hated them too.  We were one unit.


Swimming Together

Now Peggy wasn’t without her faults.  She had a certain aroma in which most despised.  I’m looking at you KbCatCrazy….  She shed, snored, sneezed and grunted like there was no tomorrow, and her halitosis could make you faint.  Frankly, I could not have found any of these qualities more endearing than I already did – she was my stinky pug and I loved her for it.


Peggy and Emma on the bow

It wasn’t until I moved in with The Pirate did I find someone who loved her as much if not more than I did.



The Pirate with his rough exterior ADORED that stinky Peggy.  He was so enthused with her when she moved aboard that he made a video (or two) about it.

Check it out!


Peggy Lou

27 Jan

A Video by The Pirate